MANGO is a 3rd person, narrative game that follows the life of Reyes, as he re-adjusts to life back in their hometown after dropping out of college. Reyes is tasked with delivering supplies/food to his neighbors and nearby family, which exposes the player to the world which Reyes lives, and his struggle to express himself within environments which aren't always fully accepting.


IN MANGO, we utilize dialogue to progress the player through a short experience in 2 different towns. Our main character, Reyes, already knows the locals in their hometown, so everyone is interactable. In the seconds town, Reyes only knows one person and cannot interact with others he doesn’t know. Basic mechanics, such as player movement/actions, allows players to enjoy a simple and interesting story. In this story, our main character delivers care packages to their neighborhood residents, who are also family/close family friends. This encourages players to explore the neighborhood around them, and anticipate future interactions.


As players traverse through Reyes’ town, they learn to utilize the task/notes/inventory menu. Players navigate the world around them much easier with this tool, as the environment becomes more and more limited in terms of interactions as you play.

Reyes also has a stress meter. This stress meter is increased the more players interact with other characters. Reyes’ insecurities are much more obvious as the stress increases at points during certain conversations. With a short but impactful story, each feature allows players to be fully immersed in Reyes’ life.


Alchemy Run